Saturday, February 21, 2009

25 random things about me

Tagged by Rita

  1. I love photography.
  2. I enjoy playing Call of Duty 4.
  3. I would like to go to Mount Roraima in Guyana before I die.
  4. I made a COD4 Guide blog. Check it out >
  5. I have a Flickr Pro account. But that doesn't mean I'm a pro in photography, just access to more features.
  6. I enjoy fishing.... when i catch something. Big.
  7. I made a list of everything I wish to own. It sums up to RM300 000. Everybody is materialistic. Right?
  8. I honour modesty and honesty. I do not respect arrogant bastards who lie about their success. What a loser.
  9. I have a weird obssesion with guns and firearms. Not the killing... just the weapon. How it looks. The sounds it makes. The power it gives you. The smell of gunpowder...
  10. I **********, but you do not need to know that.
  11. Ooh... I love reptiles... snakes, lizards, tortoises I want to be a herpentologist one day.
  12. I'm afraid of getting lost.
  13. I'm a fan of Coldplay and Moby.
  14. I enjoy listening to classical music like the ones in my music box.
  15. I don't like using Facebook, Friendster, Twitter and other 'social networking' sites.
  16. I can't play any instrument. I can't read music.
  17. I HATE anything mainstream (hip-hop culture, the Facebook phenomenon, la-la stuff)
  18. I HATE chainmails. Don't send any to me. I'll delete them straight.
  19. I wrote a post which is almost like this stupid tag.
  20. I procastinate a LOT.
  21. I dream about not finishing homework and getting scolded alot during the holidays.
  22. Good nude art is not erotic.
  23. People say I'm creative, but I really am not.
  24. I'm **********, but you don't really need to know that as well.
  25. Random dosen't mean revealing. No secrets here. Muahhahahhaahhahhh!

I tag.......... nobody. Feel free to do this tag if you feel like it.

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