Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nice day for a ride.

Whew! I just came back from Mr. Khoo's place on bicycle!

I found out where he lived last month so i decided to drop by his house today. Unfortunately, i have no pictures for this escapade; my mom wouldn't allow me to bring my K750i. I got robbed once, although nothing was taken from me because i didn't bring my phone and wallet, it still happened. (reminds me of KY who got 'molested' [frisked]). Crime rate is high and teenagers can't even take their iPod or phone out.
At around 4:30, i got my bike out, pumped some air into the tires, grease it a little, and did all the usual safety checks. I left my house at 5:05 p.m and head towards the Alam Damai park. 5:30 i reached the park did a lap a round the 1km track, there was a pond there with lots of tilapia in it and childred feeding them with bread. Cycled uphill and took the exit there to Alam Damai. 5:37 i reached Mr. Khoo's place and hollared his name. After getting no reaction what so ever, i hollered again. Then i noticed a black fish like object a few feet from his fence.

It was a fish. I puyu in fact, hardy species, this one about 12 cm long, adult. I head back to Mr. Khoo's house and rang the bell this time. He came bewilderd to see me infront of his house. I greeted him with a smile and told him about the fish. He took out a plastic bag, put the fish in it and filled it with water. We concluded that i must have escaped form on of the neighbours tank when it rained in the afternoon.

We started chatting about his Semi-D, termite problems, and robberies. He was the same old man that teached me physics in school, friendly guy. His grass need abit stepping on. Soon it was alreaded 6 and i promised my mum to be back by 6:30. I bid Mr. Khoo goodbye, but not before reciving a 100 Plus from him. I cycled towards where i came from and released the fish into the pond in the park. The fish practically jumped out of the bag and swimmed into the murky depths of the pool. I feel so glad to relese a fish stranded in the middle of the road being attcked by ants, back into the wild well sort of.

I then headed back home from the way i came and reached my house at exactly 6:30. There was a woman walking a husky near my house, it had a missing eye. I got in and started blogging straight away.

I think this is my longest post ever.

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