Saturday, March 10, 2007


Daryl, Sean, his friends from CHS and I. Went for a paintball match organised by Max. It was kinda fun but i wasn't too satisfied with my game. (He he, you were a great shot Max, no grudges on you). Its just that the mask i got was so badly scratched that i can't even aim right, even with a better gun (I was given a better gun because i was team leader). The marker (gun) had MP5 type sights and prove to be useful in the shooting ground. The thing i hated most was not being able to confirm hits and getting killed in almost every round. I wish every player get different coloured balls, but that couldn't happen.

I can't blame the equipment for having a suckky game. Its my first time playing and i am kinda short-sighted. My team did win most of the time though. They are good at surviving and Daryl actually executed flanking, REAL FLANKING (good job D), he definitely enjoyed his game. It was good experience, and i look forward to playing again in the jungle map. Next time, I'll be back with experience and moves i didn't execute during the game. I rather be sniper that team capt now.

The entrance to the jungle map. A tree fell in it, so we can't use it.

Marshal watching over some mat salleh kids playing.

Mat salleh kids were pretty good.

There is a freakin pond next to the Paintball place.

I like how the tree bends over the water.

I wish I bought my rod here. This guy caught a whole bunch of Sembilang


Me acting cool with the gun.

Darn mask are scratched to hell.

Gas canisters filled with CO2. Cold.

Practicing shots in the shooting ground.

Daryl and Victor.

I am leader of Red Team. (aka Stryker-clan)
-Charles, Sean, KH, Kesvick, Daryl, Me & Cy-
KH and Cy please report in (post a comment with ur name and address) if you see this.

I hate this map.

Listening to the safety talk. Guy with my orange cap is Kesvick.
He is supposed to be annoying but he seem alright to me.
('The Gay' is worst)

Who's the coolest?

"Riflemen in the battlefield never get to know who they
kill or did they even kill at all, Snipers always know"
-Saito, Ghost in the Shell 2nd Gig, Poker face-

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