My dad loves gardening. Stuff with produce, like vegies and fruits trees. I don't share the love, but i like trees, and photograping them. Check these out.
I love this one, its in my dad's teak wood plantation in Alor Gajah.
Its the only tree they didn't cut down to make space for the teak trees.
Check out the bend on this one. This one is in my school field.
Its so low to the ground i can walk up it, literally.
This one looks kinda like sakura. This one is in my neighbourhood.
The leaves are almost gone. Pretty eh.
Boy this guy got lotsa cleaning to do cause of this tree,
its a fair price i guess for its beauty.
This is my dad Longan tree in my garden.
It fruits so much that i am kinda tired of eating Longan....
This is my dad's Jambu tree.
Note: thats my dad wrapping up the bunch, bats, pesky.
Closer look.
Check out the harvest! Whoa!
For those of you that thought grapes are impossble in kl,
I have it in my backyard, hah.
These are wine grapes, the flesh slips out of the skin when you bite them.
I even have Dragon fruit (Pitaya) in my house.
The Dargon fruit flower only blooms at midnight.
This is Brazilian Longan, so they say.
Here is the tree. My brother calls it 'Beanstalk'.
My dad on the stairs.
Each is about ping-poing size, taste a bit like vanilla.
Thats about it. If you are still asking why I still haven't post my China photos yeat, 7 megapixel photos take forever to load. A little bit of advise, higher megapixels dosen't mean better photos, 80% of the photos you see here is taken with my phone, 2 megapixels. I WANT A NIKON D40!!!